Hand in Hand USA
Hand in Hand
USA is made up of individuals from every walk of life. It was founded by a group of spiritually oriented people who shared a common bond in the love and joy found in meditation. Its projects encompass school education, professional training, social service and health care in the poorest regions of India as well as medical check ups, child, youth and family welfare programs together with the provision of care for the aged, sick and handicapped.
  Kriya Yoga International: Spiritual Growth and
Service to Humanity

Our goal is to create a spiritual environment of love, compassion, cooperation, and service for sincere spiritual seekers and all of creation. We are dedicated to the service of humanity through spiritual, charitable, health, and educational activities. We promote integrated growth—spiritual, physical, psychological, emotional, and intellectual—through yoga, meditation, prayer, study, and service.
Amma Sri Karunamayi
Sri Karunamayi is revered in India as an embodiment of divine motherly love, due to the love and affection that she showers liberally on people, animals, and even plants, the spiritual knowledge and guidance that she gives freely to all of humanity, and the humanitarian works that she has undertaken. "Amma," as she is affectionately called by her devotees, is simply the Telugu word for "mother," Telugu being Amma's native language.
Drukpa Mila Center
The purpose for the
DrukpaMilaCenter is to bridge the religious cultures from the areas of the East including Bhutan, Tibet, India and Nepal to the West. This includes bringing Buddhist teachers from the Drukpa Kagyu and other lineages to the DrukpaMilaCenter to share their spiritual wisdom, knowledge and compassion.